Of course you can hike in the mountains! Many new hikers ask themselves questions such as: Am I strong enough to hike in mountains? Do I have the fitness for it? Can I figure it out – or do I risk getting lost? You should never let anxiety and uncertainty win if you dream of

I vores udvalg af vandreture i de italienske alper er der mulighed for eventyr til alle niveauer og generationer. Familieturen Rejser du med familien, er vores vandretur ved Gardasøen og Monte Baldo en helt oplagt destination. Ruten er ikke for krævende for de små fødder, og der er god balance mellem vandring og andre aktiviteter

Arranging your own multiday self-guided tour can be a bit of a struggle. You have to find the route that fits your level of experience. You have to book overnight stays. And you have to consider safety issues – what will you do if you get lost? If you fall and hurt yourself. How about

In our selection of hikes in the Italian Alps, there is the opportunity for adventure for all levels and generations. A family tour If you are traveling with the family, Lake Garda & Monte Baldo is an obvious destination. The route is not too demanding for small feet, and there is a good balance between

Tryg booking med Outdoor Italy Mange tøver i øjeblikket med at bestille deres rejser, fordi de frygter at de vil miste deres depositum på grund af Covid. Hos Outdoor Italy Covid Sikrer vi nu alle rejser, så du kan være sikker på at få pengene retur, hvis myndighedernes restriktioner pludselig forhindringer dig i at rejse.

Safe booking with Outdoor Italy Many travellers are currently hesitating, when planning their next holiday, fearing they will lose their deposit due to Covid restrictions. Outdoor Italy is now introducing a Covid Money Back Guarantee to ensure you can plan your holiday without the insecurities created by Covid-19. Now you can safely book your holiday,

Gressoney Dalen – også kendt som Lys Dalen efter floden Lys – er den længste dal i Aosta-regionen. På din vej gennem denne helt unikke del af de italienske alper, kan du beundre alt fra vinmarkerne i Donnas og små traditionelle bjerglandsbyer til gletsjernes evige sne og ikke mindst den mest betagende udsigt til Monte

Follow the trails between vineyards and glaciers. The Gressoney Valley – also know as the Valley of Lys, named after the Lys River – is the longest valley of the Aosta Region. On your way through this unique part of the Italian Alps, you will be enjoying the vineyards of Donnas, authentic mountains villages, massive